Capital Building Program

As part of the University of Wisconsin System, UW-Madison prepares a capital building program and a six-year development plan which specifies facilities recommendations and priorities for the next three biennia.

The Campus Planning Committee oversees the entire process and makes a final recommendation to the Chancellor for inclusion in the capital budget request to UW System. This request is then evaluated along with requests from other UW System institutions, and a prioritized list is developed for approval by the Board of Regents, the Department of Administration, the State Building Commission, and the legislature.

As part of this process, Project Delivery works directly with schools, colleges, and departments to define their facility issues and determine ways to address those needs, taking a comprehensive look at the university’s strategic direction and how facilities support that direction via the Campus Master Plan to assure decisions are part of a vision about the future outlook of the campus and its facilities.

The Campus Physical Development Plan reflects implementation of the Campus Master Plan to support UW-Madison’s overall commitment to serve our students, faculty and staff, the citizens of Wisconsin, and the world.