UW-Madison #0679-2002

Library Mall Advance Plan

Advance Plan Completion (May 2022): The Library Mall Advance Plan feasibility report has been completed. The purpose of the study was to provide a scope, schedule, budget, and illustrative vision for this important campus & community space. The study was grounded in a thorough site analysis and supported by extensive public engagement and outreach. The plan will be used to support fundraising for the eventual redevelopment of Library Mall as an iconic campus public open space. Philadelphia-based landscape architecture firm OLIN was retained as the lead design consultant and Madison-based EQT By Design was brought on to broaden the public engagement process with underrepresented communities on campus and in the broader city. The consulting firms were retained in October 2020.

Final Advanced Plan Link

Community Meeting #3 (links to presentation & video below and to the right)
Tuesday, September 21, 2021 6:30-8:00pm

Community Meeting #2 (links to presentation & video below and to the right)
Monday, May 10, 2021 6:30-8:00pm

Community Meeting #1 (links to presentation & video below and to the right)
Tuesday, March 23, 2021 6:30-8:00pm

Project Goals:

  • Provide a welcoming and inclusive vision for the redevelopment of Library Mall.
  • Engage a broad cross section of the community in an equity-based approach.
  • Integrate the public civic space into the overall East Campus Mall/State Street context.
  • Prioritize sustainability to meet campus goals and resiliency planning efforts.
  • Create a flexible vision allowing a variety of programming opportunities.
  • Support and foster awareness of the Association of American Colleges & Universities Principles of Excellence in the development of Library Mall.

The project followed the recommendations of the 2015 Campus Master Plan-Landscape Master Plan which indicates a large and open public gathering space with new paving, landscape plantings, seating, lighting, stormwater management, and passive recreation lawn areas. The study defines project goals along with stakeholder priorities, conceptual alternatives, opinions of probably cost and an anticipated schedule for completion while providing an illustrative vision of the preferred alternative for fund raising purposes.

This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.


Total Project Costs $105,700
Funding Source:
Gift/Grant $105,700


A/E Selection 10/2020
Stakeholder Engagement 03/2021-Fall/2021
Programming Summer/2021
Conceptual Design 09/2021
Review with Stakeholders 10/2021
Final Report 05/2022

Project Team Stakeholders

Occupants Campus Community
User Reps Gary Brown
UW PM Aaron Williams
UW System Maura Donnelly
Engagement A/E EQT by Design
Design A/E OLIN
Civil Engineer OTIE
MEP Engineer IMEG
Cost Estimator Middleton Construction

Engagement Stakeholders

City of Madison District 8 Alder City of Madison Engineering
City of Madison Homeless Services Downtown Coordinating Committee
Food Carts & Vendors Odyssey Project
Porchlight Pres House
Skateboard Community St. Paul University Catholic Center
University Club UW Asian-Pacific Islander Desi American
UW Associated Students of Madison UW Chazen Museum
UW Department of Planning & Landscape Architecture UW FP&M Historic & Cultural Resources
UW Grounds UW Latinx Cultural Center
UW Memorial Library UW Morgridge Center for Public Service
UW Multicultural Student Center UW Police Department
UW Science Second Nature Resilience Commitment UW Pyle Center
UW South Madison Partnership UW Student Inclusion Coalition
UW International Student Services UW Black Student Services
UW Wunk Sheek Wisconsin Alumni Association
Wisconsin Historical Society Wisconsin Union

Community Meeting #1

Community Meeting #1 – Virtual 
Tuesday, March 23, 2021 6:30-8:00pm

Meeting Recording

UW-Madison is developing a feasibility study for Library Mall to serve as a reference and guide for future redevelopment of this signature open space on campus. The current project includes a robust community engagement effort and a technical analysis of the existing space. As part of the community engagement, there will be two Community Meetings which will focus on gathering input from a diverse range of campus and community stakeholders to identify desired improvements and values.

Community Meeting #2

Community Meeting #2 – Virtual 
Monday, May 10, 2021 6:30-8:00pm

Meeting Recording

Come and be curious and confirm we’re on the right track! The second Community Meeting will present graphics and images based on the feedback received from the first workshop and on-going stakeholder surveys and ask if we what you see is what you said.

Community Meeting #3

Community Meeting #3 – Virtual 
Tuesday, September 21, 2021 6:30-8:00pm

Meeting Recording

Please join us for the third (and final) Community Meeting for the Library Mall Redevelopment Project. This project is a feasibility study to identify the desired elements and programmatic themes to create a consensus-driven vision as well as defining the scope, timeline, and budget for future implementation of the preferred vision for this important campus quad. The meeting will highlight where we have come from, the input we have heard, and present design configurations for review.

This meeting was hosted by UW-Madison Facilities Planning & Management in collaboration with the project team of EQT By Design (www.eqtbydesign.com) and OLIN (www.theolinstudio.com).

Background Materials

Have a thought or question about Library Mall for the Project Team?

Email it to: campus.planning@fpm.wisc.edu