DFD #10G3D

Lakeshore Residence Hall Phase II

This $17,416,000 project designs and constructs the second phase of the Lakeshore Residence Hall and Food Service Development project. The scope includes a new residence hall that consists of approximately 176 beds totaling approximately 64,400 GSF and the renovation of approximately 10,460 ASF of Holt Commons. The project is located on what was previously lot 32, directly east of Holt Commons and south of Showerman House.

This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.


Total $17,416,000
Construction $14,198,000
A/E & Other Fees $1,325,000
Contingency $1,178,000
DFD Fee $615,000
Haz Mat $100,000
PRSB $17,416,000


A/E Selection 10/2010
Planning N/A
Programming 01/2011
10% Concept Report 03/2011
35% Design Report 06/2011
Construction Documents 06/2011 – 12/2011
Bid Date 02/2012
Construction 05/2012 – 06/2013
Substantial Completion 06/2013
Occupancy 08/2013
Site Work Completion 10/2013

Key Stakeholders

Occupants Student Housing, Dining
User Reps Mike Kinderman,
Mark Roessler
UW PM Stu LaRose
DFD PM Rex Loker
A/E Eppstein Uhen Architects
Design Arch. N/A
Landscape Arch. Ken Saiki Design
Structural Engr. GRAEF-USA Inc.
General Contractor J.P. Cullen & Sons, Inc.
Plumbing Monona Plumbing
Mechanical H&H Industries
Fire Protection Fireline Sprinkler Corp
Electrical Electric Construction Inc.

Area Data

GSF 84,090
ASF 54,660
Efficiency 65.00%
Construction $/GSF $168.84
Total Project $/GSF $207.11

This building qualifies for credit as a sustainable site because it encourages green transportation since it is within a quarter mile of four bus stops and offers over 100 bicycles stalls.Also, it has been designed to reduce the heat island effect with landscaping. The landscaping design additionally captures storm water and provides quality control.

This building utilizes renewable energy in the form of solar and wind energy. Solar panels have been installed on the building and energy consumption meters are placed on each floor to raise awareness of usage and to generate floor-to-floor competition.

47% of the materials used for the building were regional materials that have been extracted, harvested, or manufactured within 500 miles from Madison. In addition, 88% of the wood used on this project was certified in accordance with the Forestry Stewardship Council, which means the wood comes from a forest being managed in an environmentally responsible manner.

Indoor environmental quality were enhanced with a building flush to remove pollutant emissions from construction of the building materials, furnishings, and finishes. Smoking is prohibited around the building and low-VOCs adhesives, sealants, paints, and coatings were used inside the building.

Design innovations have been implemented including an outreach program to educate about the benefits of sustainability and a comprehensive green housekeeping program which eliminates the use of toxic chemicals in building cleaning. Also, efforts have been made to allow building occupants to grow their own food in the greenhouse on the roof.