DFD #10H3A

Student Athlete Performance Center: Camp Randall North Addition

This 146,154 GSF/121,795 ASF project is provided in three phases separated by two football seasons. It consists of preplanning for the Athletic Performance Center for football locker rooms, sports medicine and strength and conditioning. This $86,165,000 project includes a remodel of the 2nd floor East stadium and the lower level of the McClain Center, an expansion of the Fetzer Center, and a tunnel connection to Camp Randall Stadium. The Performance Center Plaza portion of the Badger Way Landscape upgrades will include an exterior plaza with paving and landscaping along Badger Way Path from Breese Terrace to the Camp Randall Arch as well as completion of the Engineering Mall. Phase I construction began December 2011 and was substantially complete in October 2012. Phase II construction began June 2012 and was substantially complete in December 2012. Phase III construction began November 2012.

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Total $86,165,000
Construction $71,316,000
A/E & Other Fees $5,499,000
FF&E $2,600,000
Contingency $3,850,000
DFD Fee $2,800,000
Haz Mat $100,000
PRSB $49,200,000
Gifts $36,956,000


A/E Selection 11/2010
Planning 12/2010
Programming 01/2011 – 04/2011
10% Concept Report 04/2011
35% Design Report 06/2011
Construction Documents 10/2011
Bid Date 11/2011
Construction 12/2011 – 12/2013
Substantial Completion 12/2013
Occupancy 01/2014

Key Stakeholders

Occupants Athletic Department
User Reps Jason King
UW PM Ann Hayes
DFD PM Tim Luttrell
A/E Berners-Schober Associates
Design Arch. VOA Associates, Inc.
Landscape Arch. SmithGroup JJR
Structural Engr. Arnold & O’Sheridan Inc.
CMAR J.P. Cullen & Sons, Inc.
Plumbing Monona, Hooper
Mechanical North American, General
Heating & Air Cond.
Fire Protection Monona, H.J. Pertzborn
Electrical Nickles Electric, Inc.

Area Data

GSF 146,154
ASF 121,795
Efficiency 83.33%
Construction $/GSF $487.95
Total Project $/GSF $589.55

There are two separate certified LEED projects within the Student Athlete Performance Center. The Camp Randall North Addition (Phase III) achieved LEED New Construction, and the McClain Center (Phase II) achieved LEED Commercial Interiors for the remodeling work. Both the Camp Randall North Addition (Phase III) and the McClain Center achieved LEED Silver certification.

Both facilities are within a quarter mile of 11 bus stops, alternative transportation.

Over 575,000 kWh of wind power, a renewable energy source, will be purchased and used in the operations of the McClain Lower Level each year.

Over 20% of the materials used in the McClain remodeling were from local sources which helps reduce the amount of fossil fuels required to transport materials. The stone show in the picture to the left was extracted in Fond du Lac, WI and then processed & manufactured in Chilton, WI.

Low-VOC and zero-VOC materials were used throughout the remodeling of the McClain Center.