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The following procedure is to be followed for a single point of contact by the Department of Facilities Development (DFD) with UW-Madison for all construction projects as herein defined with the exception of “Small Projects.”
It is understood that in the construction phase of a project “Time is of the Essence,” and, therefore, both DFD and UW-Madison will cooperate to the fullest extent possible in making timely decisions, providing information as required and without disruption to the schedule.
- The University Architect has been designated as the single point of contact. He may delegate another person in his behalf at any time in the project schedule via the DFD Project Manager.
- Input can be provided by other UW-Madison contacts but the University Architect will speak for UW-Madison and provide direction.
- UW-Madison will require a minimum of 8 weeks between Substantial Completion and Occupancy.
- UW-Madison should receive a copy of the Substantial Completion notice.
- DFD shall not determine Occupancy. All user occupancy concerns should be directed to the University Architect.
- On all major projects of $5M or more, prior to the Preconstruction Meeting, a DFD/UW-Madison kickoff meeting will be held with the Construction Rep, the Architect/Engineer, the Project Manager, the University Architect and the Construction Quality Control Section Chief.
- On all major projects of $5M or more, the Substantial Completion Date shall be determined by the Construction Rep, the Architect/Engineer, the Project Manager, the Unversity Architect, and the Construction Quality Control Section Chief.
- The following markers should be identified and used as a guide to the schedule:
Design Report – did the schedule slide?
Prior to bid – Should the schedule be adjusted to reflect construction time?
50% complete – are the contractors on schedule?
6 months prior to completion – is Substantial Completion date realistic?
Substantial Completion
Contractor Required to Complete:
- All code-required life safety components
- Fire alarm inspected and approved
- Elevators inspected and approved
- Air balancing complete
- Exit lighting tested and approved
- Sprinkler system
- Fire lanes operational
- Emergency generator tested
- Painting complete
- All floor finishes complete
- All fixed equipment operational.
- Fire caulking
- Telecommunications system operational
- Casework installed.
- Operation & Maintenance Manuals given to Capital Planning & Development
- Final finish manual (with samples, manufacturers, catalogue numbers, color, etc. for each room) given to Capital Planning & Development
- Physical Plant trade training schedule submitted
- All training recorded on video
- Control diagrams given to Capital Planning & Development
- Landscape plant materials installed
- All plumbing fixtures clean and working
- All light fixtures clean and free of dust
- Floors polished and waxed, scrubbed, or vacuumed as appropriate for floor type
- Building should be cleaned and dust-free; new filters installed after cleaning
- Signage installed
- Windows cleaned both interior and exterior
- Final punch list identified as warranty, non-complete, and needs correction, prepared with dates for completion
- Walk through by DFD, CPD, and Contractors will confirm substantial completion
- Substantial completion certificates issued
University Required to Complete:
- Fire extinguishers installed.
- Locks installed.
4-6 Weeks Prior to Completion
Week 1 – 2 After Substantial Completion:
- User training and walk-through completed
- Physical Plant trades walk-through completed
- Safety Department walk-through completed
- Policy and Security walk-through completed
- DoIt walk-through completed
- Owner furnished equipment installation begins
- Furniture
- Telecommunications
- Custodial supplies
- Other moveable equipment
- Dumpsters
- Snow removal equipment
- Punch list items being completed by respective contractors
Week 3 – 6 After Substantial Completion:
- Existing owner equipment moved in (files, existing furniture, storage, etc.)
- Complete installation of all new moveable equipment
- Lab equipment move-in
- All punch list items complete except long lead items
- Record drawings submitted to DFD
- Occupants move in during Week 5 or after
Punch List Issues
Items NOT to be Included:
- Any odor producing work
- Any excessively noisy work
- Any dust producing work
- Any work above ceilings
Items Allowed in Isolated Locations:
- Calibration of thermostats
- Touch-up painting
- Light bulb replacement
- Replacing isolated control valves
- Isolated ceiling tile replacement
- Minimal trim and finish replacement/repair
- Seasonal plantings
- Door and hardware adjustments
- Motion sensor adjustments